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We do our best to keep the content about Aviator India current and accurate on this site. However, our team can’t guarantee that everything is perfect. We are committed to making sure the content is always valid. But sometimes the casino mentioned on this site might have to limit access for certain reasons, like maintenance or legal restrictions, add or remove content, and so on – we are not responsible for this.
All of the content of aviator.com.in is owned by our business and is shielded by Indian copyright regulations. Therefore, you must ask us before using or copying any of it.
When you give us your email, you agree that we will send you newsletters with promotions and other relevant content. But don’t worry, if you decide you don’t want these emails anymore, you can always refuse them. We, at aviator.com.in, take your privacy seriously. That’s why we only use your email for sending newsletters and nothing else. We also keep track of how Indian players interact with the site. But don’t fret, this data is anonymous and stays within the company. Our team doesn’t share it with anyone else; it’s all about making the services better for you.
Cookies are designed to gather info about user interactions on the site in a quick and anonymous manner. These files store details like comments, typical actions, and various preferences on the website. They’re crucial for enhancing the overall experience for all players.
This website includes links to other websites owned by various individuals or businesses. Since we cannot be held accountable for anything you find on them, we have no control over what is on them. Links placed on this website by our team do not imply that any Indian laws have been broken. However, we will immediately delete a link if we discover that a linked site is doing improperly.
The rules on the aviator.com.in site say that if you’re visiting it, you need to be old enough and legally allowed to make decisions about playing games online. Your location details must be correct, and you should be where you say you are. You can’t use any tricks to fake your location or send traffic somewhere else.
Our site in India encourages responsible gaming and is against unconscious playing Aviator. Remember, gambling is not allowed for minors. Developing unhealthy gaming habits can cause issues in your family, social life, work, and finances.